Monday, June 4, 2012

It has been quite a while since my last entry on this blog. Since then there has been much that has happened in the years. I am again on Sabbatical until December and will be making more Ambrotypes and will have a little travel. (Not quite sure to where, maybe the SW US or Europe or maybe Sweden. Any suggestions?)

In the mean time my very close friend Paul is in a nasty fight with cancer and I put this together in honor of him and I encourage everyone to do the same.

It is entitled: Shave Your Head for Cancer

Next year I will begin a fundraiser for cancer research in conjunction with an exhibition of images of my wife going through Chemotherapy. At this event interested parties will have donors support them to shave their heads in a public display of support. If you are interested in being shaved, attending or supporting the event send an email to learn more.